
Amegilla calceifera 青條花蜂

The blue-banded bee (Amegilla calceifera) is particularly striking due to its metallic blue or pale white stripes against a black, robust body. These bees are easily recognized by their alternating blue or white and black bands on the abdomen, which typically consist of three to five distinct stripes. Males and females may differ slightly in size, with males sometimes appearing slimmer and featuring a more pointed abdomen. Their eyes are generally large and may appear greenish, enhancing their distinctive look.

Behavior: Blue-banded bees are solitary nesters, meaning each female builds her own nest, usually in soil or in soft, sandy embankments. They dig burrows in the ground or sometimes use existing cavities in soft sandstone or mud walls. After finding a suitable location, the female bee constructs small cells within her nest, where she lays her eggs. Each cell contains a pollen-nectar mixture as food for the developing larvae. These bees are non-aggressive and rarely sting unless provoked, making them safe around gardens and fields.

Pollination: One of the unique traits of Amegilla calceifera is its effectiveness in "buzz pollination," especially valuable for plants that don’t release pollen easily, like tomatoes and certain eggplants. The bee grips onto a flower and rapidly vibrates its flight muscles without flying, which produces a buzzing sound and dislodges pollen from the flower’s anthers. This technique not only increases pollen availability for fertilization but also makes Amegilla calceifera an invaluable pollinator in agricultural settings.

Habitat and Distribution: The blue-banded bee is adaptable and thrives in a variety of habitats ranging from forests to urban areas, as long as flowers are abundant. Common in tropical and subtropical climates, they prefer warm environments and are active throughout much of the year in temperate areas, though they may be less visible in cooler months.

Conservation: Blue-banded bees are beneficial to local ecosystems and agriculture; however, habitat loss and pesticide use pose threats to their populations. Their role in native flora and crop pollination makes them a key species in promoting biodiversity and supporting local ecosystems.


Parhelion 幻日

Parhelion, also known as "sun dogs," is an atmospheric optical phenomenon that occurs when sunlight passes through hexagonal ice crystals in high-altitude cirrus or cirrostratus clouds. These ice crystals, often in hexagonal plate or column shapes, refract sunlight at specific angles. When sunlight enters and exits these crystals, it bends and reflects, creating a halo around the sun and forming bright spots on either side.

Typically, parhelia appear 22 degrees to the left and right of the sun, hence often referred to as "22-degree halos." Due to varying angles of light refraction through the crystals, parhelia display rainbow-like colors, with red closer to the sun and blue or violet on the outer edge.




Cosmodela batesi 貝氏虎甲蟲

貝氏虎甲蟲(Cosmodelabatesi) 是一種艷麗的肉食性甲蟲,隸屬於虎甲蟲科(Cicindelidae),廣泛分布於東南亞和東亞地區,包括台灣。因其獨特的外觀和捕獵習性,貝氏虎甲蟲在自然界中十分引人注目。





Cosmodela batesi, commonly known as Bates' tiger beetle, is a strikingly beautiful predatory beetle from the family Cicindelidae, found widely across Southeast and East Asia, including Taiwan. Its unique appearance and hunting habits make it a fascinating presence in the natural world.

Physical Characteristics
The Bates' tiger beetle has a slender body, measuring about 20-25 mm in length, with a shiny metallic luster, typically blue or green. Its elytra (wing covers) display white or pale yellow markings, resembling spots or curves that contrast vividly against the vibrant background color. Its head and thorax possess a strong metallic sheen, and its large, prominent compound eyes grant it sharp vision, ideal for detecting prey. The beetle has long, powerful legs adapted for rapid movement, allowing it to maneuver skillfully on the ground during hunts.

Behavior and Diet
This tiger beetle is a diurnal predator, primarily feeding on small insects such as ants, flies, and other beetles. Active during sunny days, it moves quickly and is adept at ambush tactics. Equipped with exceptional eyesight, it can spot prey from a distance and swiftly approach it with rapid running and jumping. Upon catching its prey, it uses its strong mandibles to seize and tear it apart. Its larvae are also predatory, residing in burrows on the ground where they wait to ambush passing insects.

Ecological Role
As an efficient predator, Cosmodela batesi plays a vital role in the ecosystem by helping control the populations of smaller insects, thereby contributing to ecological balance. It is also considered an indicator species for environmental health, as it is sensitive to habitat pollution and degradation. A decline in Bates' tiger beetle populations often reflects deteriorating local environmental conditions.

Distribution and Conservation
In Taiwan, Bates' tiger beetles mainly inhabit low-altitude forest edges and open areas, particularly sunny locations with sparse vegetation. Although they are relatively adaptable, habitat loss and pesticide use threaten their populations. Given their contributions to biodiversity and ecological stability.


Diplacodes trivialis 侏儒蜻蜓


Anax parthenope 綠胸晏蜓

綠胸晏蜓 (學名:Anax parthenope),屬於蜻蜓科中的一種大型蜻蜓,具有醒目的外觀和強勁的飛行能力。以下是它的主要特徵: 外觀:這種蜻蜓的胸部為亮綠色,腹部呈藍色和黑色相間,尤其在腹部的前部有明顯的藍色斑塊。翅膀透明,有棕色的翅痣,眼睛為藍綠色,非常大且突顯。整體體型修長且流線型。 體型:綠胸晏蜓屬於大型蜻蜓,成體的體長可達 7-8 公分,翼展約為 10 公分。 棲息地:它們常見於湖泊、池塘、濕地以及慢流的河流周圍,特別是在有豐富植被的水域。這種蜻蜓喜歡開闊的水面,並通常出現在溫暖的氣候中。 分佈範圍:廣泛分布於歐洲、北非、亞洲,包括日本、中國、台灣等地。牠們是較為常見的晏蜓種類之一。 行為:綠胸晏蜓以強健的飛行能力著稱,能夠在空中快速捕捉飛行中的昆蟲。它們有很強的領地意識,通常會在同一區域巡視飛行,保護自己的地盤免受其他蜻蜓的入侵。其活動期主要在夏季,並且經常被看到在水域附近來回盤旋。 綠胸晏蜓的體型和顏色使其在蜻蜓世界中非常顯眼,且具備優秀的飛行能力和狩獵技巧。 Anax parthenope is a large species of dragonfly with a striking appearance and powerful flight abilities. Here are its main characteristics: Appearance: This dragonfly has a bright green thorax, with an abdomen that is blue and black, featuring a distinct blue patch on the front part of the abdomen. Its wings are transparent with brown wing spots, and it has large, prominent blue-green eyes. The overall body shape is slender and streamlined. Size: The Green Emperor Dragonfly is a large dragonfly, with an adult body length reaching about 7–8 cm and a wingspan of approximately 10 cm. Habitat: They are commonly found near lakes, ponds, wetlands, and slow-flowing rivers, especially in areas with abundant vegetation. This dragonfly prefers open water surfaces and usually inhabits warm climates. Distribution: Widely distributed across Europe, North Africa, and Asia, including Japan, China, and Taiwan, it is one of the more common species of emperor dragonflies. Behavior: Known for its strong flying ability, the Green Emperor Dragonfly can swiftly capture insects in mid-flight. It has a strong territorial instinct, often patrolling the same area to defend its territory against other dragonflies. Its active period is mainly in summer, frequently seen hovering around water bodies. The Green Emperor Dragonfly's size and coloration make it highly distinctive among dragonflies, with exceptional flying skills and hunting abilities.


Brachyaulax cyaneovitta 端紅狹盾椿象